Kingdom's Heyday: Levels 11 - 20

Trust our Kingdom's Heyday Walkthrough as you jump into this fast-paced time management game in an attempt to build a prosperous and healthy economy for your kingdom while the king is away on some fool's war. Use our detailed, step-by-step instructions along with our screenshots for each and every level of this fun-filled game as you attempt to earn all achievements and expert three-star ratings on your noble quest.

Level 11

  1. Repair 3 huts
  2. Sell lower left hut right away (A)
  3. Upgrade the 2 huts and sell
  4. Repair the right 2 cabins and upgrade each once (B)
  5. Build another gazebo in the lower right
  6. Sell the upgraded 2 cabins
  7. Hire 4th worker
  8. Clear the lower left lot but leave gazebos (D)
  9. Build a house (D)
  10. Buy and repair the upper house (C)
  11. Buy back and demolish the left-most hut (A)
  12. Build another house (A)
  13. Upgrade 3 houses
  14. Sell 3 houses as upgraded
  15. Upgrade gazebos while waiting
  16. Buy and repair last cabin (E)
  17. Sell cabin




Level 12

  1. Repair 1 hut (A)
  2. Upgrade 2 huts and sell (top right and bottom) (B C)
  3. Build hut at bottom left (D)
  4. Buy hut at top left (E)
  5. Clear lots
  6. Build a gazebo and another hut and another gazebo (F)
  7. Upgrade and sell 3 huts (D E F)
  8. Repair the tavern (G)
  9. Build a cabin to the right of the house (H)
  10. Buy back and demolish the hut at the bottom and clear the lot (C)
  11. Build a house (C)
  12. Demolish the hut at the top (A)
  13. Build a tavern (A)
  14. Build another cabin (next to lower house (I)
  15. Upgrade tavern
  16. Hire 4th worker
  17. Build a gazebo below house and in lower right lot
  18. Demolish the 2 swamps
  19. Buy and repair the house in the middle (J)
  20. Build 3rd tavern below the tavern (K)
  21. Build cabin below the cabin on the right (L)
  22. Upgrade the tavern
  23. Buy back the hut at the top (B)
  24. Build a hut and gazebo at the top
  25. Hire a couple workers to finish up
  26. Upgrade the 2 houses and 1 cabin (C J I)
  27. Upgrade the 2 cabins and hut (B L H)
  28. Build another gazebo at bottom right
  29. Upgrade the gazebos
  30. Buy back the huts



Level 13

  1. Upgrade food on the tavern  (A)
  2. Build vegetable garden next to center cabin (B)
  3. Upgrade tavern to level 3 luxury (A)
  4. Build 4 gardens along the right side of the back lot and the back right lot (C)
  5. Repair the hut and house (D E)
  6. Upgrade the 5 gardens to level 3 food
  7. Build a cabin (F)
  8. Upgrade food production to level 3 on huts
  9. Build another cabin (G)



Level 14

  1. Repair hut and upgrade food to level 2 (A)
  2. Sell hut
  3. Sell hut on right (B)
  4. Repair left cabin and upgrade to level 3 luxury and level 2 food and sell (C)
  5. Repair right cabin upgrade to level 3 food and sell (D)
  6. Hire to 5 workers
  7. Build 2 vegetable gardens in center and to left of cabin (C E)
  8. Build tavern on right center lot (F)
  9. Clear right back lots and build house (G)
  10. Upgrade tavern to level 3 food
  11. Build another house to right of tavern (B)
  12. Upgrade food to level 2 on 2 houses on right
  13. Build 2 gardens next to swamp (H)
  14. Sell 1 house at level 2 food
  15. Demolish swamp ((I))
  16. Upgrade other house to level 3 food
  17. Build another tavern and upgrade food to level 3 (I)
  18. Buy and demolish swamp on the left and ruin bottom center (J K)



Level 15

  1. Demolish hut behind garden (A)
  2. Upgrade food to level 3 on hut at bottom right (B)
  3. Sell house at top left (C)
  4. Upgrade luxury to 3 on tavern  (D)
  5. Sell hut (B)
  6. Hire 5th worker
  7. Build a cabin at the bottom left and upgrade luxury  (E)
  8. Build 2 gardens in front of tavern (D)
  9. Clear lots
  10. Build 2 vegetable gardens to the right of the garden in the back lot but move them forward one square (F)
  11. Build another cabin to right and upgrade both cabins to luxury level 3 (G)
  12. Upgrade 5 gardens to level 1
  13. Build another tavern at the top right and upgrade luxury to level 3 (H)
  14. Build gazebo next to cabin (E)
  15. Upgrade 3 gazebos
  16. Upgrade gardens to level 3
  17. Buy back the house  (D)
  18. Build 2nd house (A)
  19. Build 2 gazebos in front of original house (C)
  20. Upgrade food production at 2 houses and 2 taverns to level 3
  21. Build 2 more houses (J K)
  22. Upgrade luxury to level 3 on the houses
  23. Buy back hut (B)
  24. Upgrade gazebos to level 3



Level 16

  1. Sell the cabin (A)
  2. Clear some lots
  3. Hire 3rd worker
  4. Repair the tavern and upgrade luxury to level 3 (B)
  5. Build 3 vegetable gardens along the side of the left lot and upgrade to level 1 (C)
  6. Hire 4th worker
  7. Build a house behind the gardens (D)
  8. Build a hut in front of the house (E)
  9. Upgrade gardens to level 3
  10. Upgrade hut luxury
  11. Upgrade house food to level 1
  12. Upgrade tavern food
  13. Ending up with fully upgraded tavern and fully upgraded hut
  14. Sell the hut (E)
  15. Build 2nd house along the back (F)
  16. Upgrade one house to level 3 food and one to level 1 food
  17. Upgrade both houses to level 3 luxury
  18. Build 2nd tavern behind the first house and upgrade luxury (G)
  19. Buy back the hut (E)
  20. Build 2 gazebos and upgrade to level 3 (H)
  21. Build a flower park and upgrade luxury once (I)



Level 17

  1. Upgrade hut fully and sell (A)
  2. Clear lots
  3. Repair the bottom right cabin and upgrade luxury and sell (B)
  4. Hire 2 workers
  5. Build 2 vegetable gardens in front of the tavern (C)
  6. Repair the tavern (C)
  7. Build a cabin at bottom right (D)
  8. Upgrade the food in gardens to level 1
  9. Build 1st stage of Wizard’s Tower (E)
  10. Upgrade the food to level 3 at the new cabin and luxury to 3
  11. Build a cabin behind the first cabin (F)
  12. Upgrade the gardens to level 3
  13. Upgrade cabin food to level 3 and then luxury
  14. Sell tavern
  15. Hire to 6 workers
  16. Build 2nd stage of Wizard’s Tower
  17. Build gazebo below this cabin, next to original hut, and in lot at the upper left  (G H I)
  18. Buy cabin at center bottom and build a gazebo (J)
  19. Upgrade food as needed in this cabin
  20. Finish building Wizard’s Tower
  21. Build 2 flower parks and  gazebos  to fill in (total of 7) (K)
  22. Upgrade gazebos and flower parks



Level 18

  1. Repair hut at bottom right (A)
  2. Repair cabin at middle left (B)
  3. Sell hut (A)
  4. Upgrade cabin luxury to level 3 and sell (B)
  5. Clear some lots
  6. Hire to 4 workers
  7. Repair the tavern (C)
  8. Build vegetable garden in front of tavern
  9. Repair house (D)
  10. Upgrade the tavern to level 3 luxury  (C)
  11. Upgrade the house to level 3 luxury and food (D)
  12. Sell the house (D)
  13. Upgrade the tavern to level 3 food (C)
  14. Hire 5th worker
  15. Demolish the hut in the back lot (E)
  16. Build a house and upgrade the food to level 3 (E)
  17. Upgrade garden to level 3 (C)
  18. Build 2nd tavern behind the cabin and upgrade luxury to level 3 (F)
  19. Upgrade the house to level 3 luxury (E)
  20. Hire 6th worker
  21. Upgrade the food in the tavern (F)
  22. Build bakery next to lower house and upgrade luxury  and then food (G)
  23. Clear the entire lower right lot
  24. Build a gazebo next to bakery and flower park in the back (H)
  25. Build another bakery in front lot and upgrade food as needed and luxury to level 3 (I)
  26. Build 3 more gazebos and another flower park (A)
  27. Upgrade luxury in buildings only
  28. Buy back the cabin (B)




Level 19

  1. Repair hut at top right (A)
  2. Sell 3 huts (A B)
  3. Repair the cabin in the back (C)
  4. Hire to 3 workers
  5. Repair the middle tavern (D)
  6. Upgrade cabin to level 3 luxury and level 1 food
  7. Upgrade tavern fully
  8. Clear the lots
  9. Upgrade cabin to level 3 food
  10. Sell the tavern
  11. Hire 4th worker
  12. Repair the 2nd tavern and upgrade to level 3 luxury and level 3 food (E)
  13. Buy back bottom right hut and demolish (B)
  14. Build 2 cabins at bottom right and upgrade fully (B)
  15. Sell 2nd tavern
  16. Buy the bakery and repair (F)
  17. Sell the bakery
  18. Buy back huts and demolish (A)
  19. Build another cabin at the front left and 2 gazebos (G)
  20. Build a gazebo in front of the bakery (F)
  21. Upgrade food to level 2 and then luxury to level 3
  22. Build 3 flower parks (A H I)
  23. Upgrade luxury until goal met



Level 20

  1. Upgrade huts in back (A)
  2. Repair and upgrade huts in left front (B)
  3. Sell upgraded huts (A B)
  4. Build a hut in between huts in back (A)
  5. Repair house (C)
  6. Upgrade hut and house completely
  7. Repair the tavern and upgrade fully (D)
  8. Repair the garden (E)
  9. Sell the hut
  10. Repair the bakery and upgrade (F)
  11. Demolish swamp (G)
  12. Build level 3 garden in back of front hut (H)
  13. Build 2nd bakery at right front and upgrade food so you have 13 food  (I)
  14. Upgrade bakery to level 3 luxury
  15. Build a cabin and upgrade luxury (G)
  16. Hire 5th worker
  17. Upgrade food on bakeries and cabin
  18. Build a house and upgrade food until everything is running (J)
  19. Upgrade luxury to finish goals
  20. Build a gazebo to the right of the house
  21. Buy back all the huts while upgrading