Sarah Maribu and the Lost World Cheats and Walkthrough
I finished Sarah Maribu and the Lost World already! The game has great graphics, but pretty basic game-play. It's a hidden object game, with lots of hidden objects that will vary for everyone. Then there are you inventory items that you need to interact with something else in the game. Usually, this means opening a door, gate, cage, etc. The puzzles weren't overly hard and most you could skip. Finding the items could be tough at times, but the hardest part sometimes was figuring out where to use your inventory objects. Don't worry, they are all outlined for you! The plot was very weak but the game was still enjoyable. I mean, come on, what parents are going to let their daughter and her boyfriend run off with their crazy uncle to an unknown island to explore it... alone?! Not mine! I mean, if I had a boyfriend. Anyway, I do recommend this game.