Gardens Inc. 2: The Road to Fame: Chapters 41 - 50

Our Gardens Inc 2: The Road to Fame Walkthrough will walk you through all 50 levels of this intense time management game. Help Jill and Mike win the contest that will launch their gardening business onto a global scale by using our step-by-step instructions on how to achieve expert times for each and every level of this amazingly entertaining game.

Chapter 41

  1. Clear to security shack
  2. Use 1/2 off bonus and build security shack
  3. Upgrade truck
  4. Upgrade tool shack
  5. Upgrade wood shack
  6. Clear to rock shack and upgrade
  7. Use fast production bonus next
  8. Build boat shacks
  9. Build seed exchange shack
  10. Use 1/2 off bonus and buy seeds, and upgrade truck and 3 shacks
  11. Build next boat shacks
  12. Clear water weeds
  13. Use 1/2 off bonus to build and upgrade water shack, upgrade rock shack, and buy seeds
  14. I held off on accessing the levers to the end to decrease vandals
  15. Clear to square beds and repair path
  16. Use 1/2 off bonus to plant and buy seeds
  17. Repair water pump
  18. Plant red flowers in square boxes and water
  19. Plant red flower in circle plots
  20. Clear to levers at end

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 41



Chapter 42

  1. Clear to switchable shack and pick up watch
  2. Use 1/2 off bonus
  3. Upgrade truck
  4. Upgrade tool shack
  5. Build security shack
  6. Upgrade truck again
  7. Use 1/2 off bonus to upgrade tool shack again
  8. Build water shack
  9. Build and upgrade seed shack
  10. Build 2nd security shack
  11. Upgrade water shack and seed shack
  12. Switch to wood
  13. Clear to hunter shack and build
  14. Build exchange shack for stone
  15. Pick up watch
  16. Build water pump
  17. Build exchange shack and buy time
  18. Plant flowers during half off bonus (plant all but two flowers the same)
  19. Repair all benches

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 42



Chapter 43

  1. Collect seeds and trade for tools using fast work bonus
  2. Pick up tools
  3. Clear rocks
  4. Use 1/2 off bonus and upgrade truck
  5. Upgrade seed shack
  6. Access the exchange hut for wood
  7. Open the chest behind the table
  8. Clear down to the right and build steps
  9. Access the hunter shack
  10. Use 1/2 off bonus for hunter shack, upgrade seed shack, and trade
  11. Pick up watches behind the snakes
  12. Use the 1/2 of bonus again to build 2 bridges
  13. Build the water shack
  14. Build and upgrade the seed shack
  15. Use 1/2 off bonus to plant flowers build storage, and upgrade water shack
  16. Plant and water flowers first, then collect coins.
  17. You might not need the rock exchange shack

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 43




Chapter 44

  1. Use halt time
  2. Collect tools
  3. Clear worker behind the altar
  4. Activate altar and use halt time
  5. Clear stones to get to wood
  6. Grab tools and wood
  7. Clear 3rd worker
  8. Build bridge and grab watch
  9. Clear scorpions
  10. Build out to 2 watches and collect
  11. Build bridge to right and rescue worker
  12. Collect the watches
  13. Grab coins
  14. Make offerings at the altar whenever possible and use halt time bonus

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 44



Chapter 45

  1. Clear to rock shack and just past water shack
  2. Use 1/2 off bonus and upgrade tool shack
  3. Upgrade truck
  4. Upgrade rock shack.
  5. Clear demolition shack
  6. Use 1/2 off bonus and build animal hunter shack
  7. Upgrade truck, rock shack, and tool shack again
  8. Build demolition shack
  9. Clear to exchange shack and switchable shack
  10. Use 1/2 off bonus, build switchable shack for seeds.
  11. Upgrade water shack
  12. Use 1/2 off to trade for wood, upgrade rock shack, and upgrade water shack
  13. Make 4 TNT
  14. Clear rubble and build exchange shack for time
  15. Plant trees and water them.
  16. Make 3 TNT and clear below the pyramid and plant tree
  17. Clear last 2 rubbles and open chest
  18. Finish planting with each side having a separate color
  19. Fix 3 sets of sprinklers

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 45



Chapter 46

  1. Pick up water bottle and exchange for tools
  2. Clear to security shack and seed shack
  3. Use 1/2 off bonus and exchange for tools
  4. Build security shack.
  5. Upgrade truck
  6. Upgrade wood shack.
  7. Clear to wood shack and alarms
  8. Use 1/2 off bonus and install alarms
  9. Upgrade both shacks and truck,.
  10. Collect watches
  11. Flip silver lever
  12. Clear down the top
  13. Flip gold switch
  14. Build 2nd seed shack
  15. Build 2nd wood shack
  16. Use 1/2 off bonus and upgrade shacks
  17. Install alarms
  18. Build exchange shacks and trade for stone and time when 1/2 off bonus on
  19. Clear to water shack and build
  20. Flip next gold switch
  21. Using 1/2 off bonus upgrade water shack and plant flowers
  22. Plant odd numbers of each color
  23. Build water pump
  24. Repair fountain
  25. Repair all decorations

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 46



Chapter 47

  1. Use fast work bonus
  2. Pick up TNT and water bottle
  3. Clear to switchable shack and down to the bottom stairs
  4. Use 1/2 off bonus and upgrade tool shack
  5. Upgrade truck
  6. Build steps down and clear down to wood shack
  7. Use 1/2 off bonus to upgrade wood shack
  8. Upgrade truck
  9. Build switchable shack for seeds
  10. Build storage shed
  11. Clear down next path to time exchange shack and trade for time during 1/2 off bonus
  12. Make TNT and build altar
  13. Clear to top and build animal hunter shack
  14. Builds water shack next and upgrade during 1/2 off bonus time
  15. Clear all beds and plant a group of red flowers and a group of blue flowers
  16. Build water pump
  17. Clear to coins
  18. Repair 2 pools

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 47



Chapter 48

  1. Clear to switchable shack (you will have to switch a lot to make enough of what you need)
  2. Use 1/2 off bonus and upgrade truck
  3. Build stairs up
  4. Clear to next shack
  5. Open chest
  6. Build 2 stairs down and repair road
  7. Switch to wood and seeds
  8. Switch to tools once you get one bag of seeds
  9. Use 1/2 off bonus and upgrade truck
  10. Build stone bridge
  11. Build security shack
  12. Build switch shack for seeds
  13. Use 1/2 off and repair security alarm
  14. Repair water shack
  15. Repair boat shack
  16. Clear water grass
  17. Build next boat shack
  18. Use 1/2 off and repair altar
  19. Upgrade water shack
  20. Build next boat shack
  21. Plant flowers (easier to not worry about colors to end)
  22. Build bridge to bottom right
  23. Repair alarm
  24. Repair pump
  25. Plant flowers
  26. Repair bridge to left and repair alarm
  27. This works from left to right  blue; pink, yellow; red, yellow; pink, blue, red

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 48



Chapter 49

  1. Clear to water shack
  2. Use 1/2 off bonus Build water shack
  3. Upgrade truck.
  4. Clear the vertical path, but leave large rock and trunk.
  5. Use 1/2 bonus and upgrade tool shack
  6. Upgrade water shack
  7. Upgrade truck again.
  8. Remove trunk and build security shack immediately.
  9. Clear to bottom shacks
  10. Build demolition shack
  11. Upgrade wood shack
  12. Build seed shack
  13. Build rock shack
  14. Upgrade water shack
  15. Collect TNT to remove rubbles in front of watches.
  16. Clear to right and collect watches.
  17. Build switchable shack for seeds
  18. Repair altar
  19. Clear rest of the road
  20. Make TNT as needed
  21. Use 1/2 off bonus to plant and upgrade shacks
  22. Plant in pattern like image between rock and seed shacks

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 49



Chapter 50

  1. Numbered from left to right, use levers 1, 2, 1, 4, 3
  2. Collect wood
  3. Collect tools
  4. Repair path
  5. Return to levers and use in this order 3 4 1 2
  6. Collect coins
  7. Capture the flag

Gardens Inc 2 Walkthrough Chapter 50