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how do u do the rings around the fl...

how do u do the rings around the flower what patterns makw them up?

By kmarrs12001
look at the colors of each ring,click on build and click for flowers,u have to complete the colors,find out which color is missing in the ring ex.: white ,yellow,white,.....,white... the next one will be a yellow,so plant a yellow there and so forth then drag a person to the flowers to make them grow,once u have all the right colors where they are needed then all grown,the mystery is solved
By bl_on_die2005
How do make the flowers growI tried dropping ledendary farmer on them nothing happens
By ouroboris
Click on Build, then on the square that is a field of flowers. This brings up a window with six different colored flowers and options for planting them. Click on a flower, then click on an open area of ground. A small mound of dirt appears. Drag an adult to the patch and drop them on it, they will begin to tend it with a hoe. A moment later a flower appears.
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