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puzzle #6 says "You need to complet...

puzzle #6 says "You need to complete puzzle #5 first and have a villager with level 3 harvesting. Take a master farmer to the lagoon and they will start hunting fish. This may take awhile." but I have a master farmer and I take him to the laggon but he just "enjoys the lagoon" ...

and thnks to "DaddyZaring" who helped me in my other problem ;)

By justbeachy
do you have level three farming?
By you and me
you need to teach you people to fish and there will be a caption that says: He/she see somthing swimming in the lagoon! If you are having more problems, go to the puzzle six sentence and read over and over again.
By vvnut
i put a master farmer n the lagoon and he fishes but it doesn't say i completed the puzzle. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By helping
you have to get atleast 2 master farmers and put them in the lagoon, you need level 3 farming (fishing) they will then hunt strange fish and bring a few to the food storage.
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