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Daycare Nightmare Forum

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please if anyone knows how to make ...

please if anyone knows how to make more money to get the crib and high chaur faster let me know, tge babbys are very unhappy. they all on the hounted hose lev want to be fed and to be put tp sleep at the same time. i am stuck.

By shin
try to get a lot of combos to get more money. So far the babies that give the most tips are dragon and cyclops babies. Try to keep them happy as much as you can.

As for the simulatenous want, I find no difficulty after upgrading the items so the time needed is cut by 60 percent. It helps a lot. I've only played for 2 days and I'm already in the dragon's cave.
By monica
Don't buy the cheap stuff. Save. And by the way, please spell check before posting. I understand that not everyone is the best speller, but those are ridiculous errors. Here is the correction:

Please, if anyone knows how to make more money to get the crib and high chair faster please let me know. The babies are very unhappy and want to be fed or put to sleep at the same time. I am on the haunted house level and am stuck. Please help.

Sorry, I don't mean to detract from your question or be rude to you, but I felt like clawing my eyes out when I saw all those mistakes.
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