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By tracy
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that the staff at Casual Game Guides is working on a walkthrough for this game. I just posted levels 1-30, and you should see the rest coming in the next few days. :)
By somapuppy
the walkthru for level 31 is incorrect as it leaves 20 eco short. The factory and greenhouse have to be demolished and then 2 tents with gardens. Haven't been able to make the target time yet thought.
By ann
Dear Somapuppy:

The walkthrough is one way of getting the correct amount of eco. 3 ponds and 3 shrubs gets you to 225. The walkthrough says to build gardens at the 2 chalets and 2 tents, which gets you to 265. If you scared away the 2 gorillas, that will bring your total to 275.

Following the walkthrough, I was able to finish on day 24/27.

Hope this helps,
CGG Staff
By beckie
Lvl. 51 starts me w/just over $600 and no supplies, which contracts what the walkthru says.
By beckie
That should be "contradicts."
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.