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Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers Forum

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last rare relic

By dlkcanuck
I have been playing Virtual Villagers 5 for 2 months now and I am stuck at 95 population. That last rare relic just won't appear so I can grab it. I have all the other collections and have earned almost all of the trophies. How can I get that last rare relic to appear so I can complete my collections and increase my population to 100?
By heatherlove
I'd like to know too! I've completed everything except the last relic and the last five in population!!!
By spellbounddeb
I am the same... can't get beyond 95 in population and cannot find the last Science collectible or the last rare relic (Jug). I've been playing for months!
By bikerchic
it makes the game incredibly boring when you have to spend hours watching the screen waiting for a rare relic to appear!!!
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