Royal Challenge Solitaire Review
Alright, I ‘ll admit it. I watched the Royal Wedding. O.K. I didn’t get up in the middle of the night but I did tune in to BBC the next day. I thought it was quite grand. The Bride was beautiful, the dress was gorgeous,and my daughter thought it was great that Will and Harry wore their spurs to the ceremony. I am not sure but I think the Queen Mum might have drifted off a few times and what the heck was with Fergie’s daughters? Their hair was a mess. Did they wake up that way and forget to comb it. Don’t they have enough allowance for a hair dresser for cryin’ out loud! Talk about a bad hair day. And how about some of those hats?! Yowsa!!! Somebody played a cruel joke on some of those women. Oh well,that’s entertainment so the song goes. Anyway just in time for the wedding comes Royal Challenge Solitaire. This is a straight up solitaire game. Remove all the cards from the table and proceed to the next level. The graphics are good and you can play with or without music. For each card removed you get 2 dollars. You can earn additional bonuses depending on what kind of sequence you remove the cards. You can make either a row or a royal sequence,thus the title of the game. All the rules of the game are clearly spelled out for you when you use the help button. There are around 100 levels to play so you get a pretty good bang for your buck. If you like solitaire you can’t go wrong on this game! I highly recommend it!